Because You Can Do Better Than A Gift Card

bbq patio

Show Up To A BBQ Party With A Case Of Beer


It is always a good idea to show up with a case of beer if you are going to a friends or work BBQ. Okay it does not need to be a whole case but it is proper etiquette to not show up empty handed. Think about it? Your friend spent not only spent all this money on food but also all this time to cook the meat. If you just show up to eat and drink without spending a dime it is not going to look good. And if it is a work event you will look even worse. You don’t want your boss to remember you as the other person who didn’t bring anything. Make sure you drop by the beer store and grab some cans before you arrive.

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How Much Is In A Case Of Beer?

A case is 24 bottles or cans. This isn’t a lot if you are going to a full summer event with dozens of people. But if you are going to an event with less than 10 people you can get away with a 6-pack. What type of beer you buy is up to you. You can go with personal tastes if you have no idea what people drink or a popular brand if it is a work thing. You can always ask the person in charge if there is any brand they would prefer in a text if you are close enough.

You Can Also Bring A Case Of Pop

Sometimes you don’t want to bring alcohol to an event. It could be inappropriate if there are lots of kids or maybe you have people who don’t (or can’t) drink. This does not give you an excuse to show up empty handed. You will still need to bring something and pop or water is a good option. Even if not a lot of people drink it is still thoughtful and people will remember that you put the effort in. Brand again is up to case but you can also bring Cola or Root Beer

case of root beer

Other Things To Bring To A BBQ

Drinks are not the only option just a safe and easy one. You can grab them on the way to the BBQ and don’t have to put much thought into it. However if you have more time on your hands and want to bring something to stand out (maybe you have a crush on the person who is running the event) there are other things you can bring instead of a case of beer.

A BBQ Apron

BBQ apron

If it is more of an intimate affair than a gift for the chef is always an option. BBQ apron’s are nice as they are unisex and fit the event. They will probably already have one but remember it is the thought that counts. If the person who is in charge takes BBQing really seriously than the one in the picture above is a great option. It has a ton of pockets for BBQ tools or a phone and it also doubles as an apron for work. You can also go with a funny BBQ apron as well if you know the person has a sense of humor. Avoid kiss the chef if it is for your boss. I picked a safe option in the picture below but there are lots of other options on the site if you know the type of humor of the person you are buying for. They range from funny to really inappropriate so make sure you know your audience first before you buy one.

funny apron

Beer Holders

Beer holder

No one wants to have a warm beer or warm pop for that manner. This is a good gift idea as it is something that everyone at the party can use no matter what they are drinking. They come in different levels of qualities and colors. The ones I picked are nice ones but you can go with something less fancy if it is an event with people you are not that close with.

A Personal Item For The Chef

You can also bypass the whole BBQ theme and just get something you know the person in charge would like. This can be anything in the $20 range that makes you think of them. Spending more might look a little needy. Be careful not to give something that could be misconstrued if it is for a co-worker or a boss. You can also get something for the house if it is a good friend like these green onyx items.

Salad Or Dessert

There is also the option to show up with a potato salad or a fruit dish. You can make your own if you are savvy in the kitchen or pick one up on the way to the BBQ. Although be warned you might be teased if you didn’t make it yourself. Buy a cheap bowl to house it in so you don’t have to worry about getting it back when the event is over. Or you can buy a nice dish and make it a part of the dish.

A Pair Of Tongs

BBQ tongs

When you cannot think of anything at all and don’t want to bring food or drink you can always bring a nice pair of tongs. This is something that everyone who barbecues uses and it is always good to have a back-up pair. They will for sure have their own so you can comment that they are for the next BBQ.

The important thing is you do NOT show up empty handed. No matter if it is for a close friend or an event full of people you will never see again you do not want to show up just to eat and run. Make it a habit to bring something with you when you go to parties, even something small if budgeting is a concern. For big event consider a case of beer or pop but even showing up with a 6-pack shows you put some thought into. And one last thing, enjoy yourself and the weather.